Who are the Scammers?

Now days, there are so many services out there that are offering a variety of products, but alot of times it is difficult to know whether the service is legitimate or a scam. Here are a few ways you spot a few shady businesses.

  1. No Contact information- If there is no contact information to reach a live person or the contact number you call is disconnected this could be an issue. Now it is possible that the business may not have paid their phone bill or forgot to update their site with new contact information to relay to their customers. Sending a simple email letting them know of the importance, could go a long way for both businesses and customers alike. Now if there is no contact information at all, there are some risk you may have to consider if you choose to get your services from that company.

  2. No available platform to leave a review- Any website can setup personalized testimonies and hire paid actors to say the service was great. However, a real website will have various places such as facebook, google review, and Angie’s list, and so on to allow consumers to leave a personal experience. If you can’t find any area, check consumer complaints and proceed with caution.

  3. Sloppy or Intentionally bad grammar- This you might typically see in emails. Especially if it includes a single link with only line of sentence. This is what you would call Phishing Scam, and it also happens through text messages and various communicating application.

    If you get a strange message or email such as a receipt of payment (with an attached) when you know you didn’t purchase anything, or its provides you a common place (example:" Amazon) but it doesn’t list what you purchase…DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK OR OPEN THE ATTACHMENT. These are specialized viruses to hijack or steal your smart phone or computer information. Visit or contact the provider first to confirm purchase instead.

  4. Unlawful/Illegal Practices- This can be tricky sometimes, because every state has its own rules and regulation. Many companies such as credit repairing services will fall on the boundary line when it comes to offering this type of product. It is recommended to check with local authorities or state guidelines before signing up for those types of services. For those who are outside of the country, such rules may not apply. Services, that will allow people to falsify there information is criminal act no matter the location.

Nathalie D