Physical Hardware

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1. Desktop(Click to expand)
  1. Appearance
  2. Ethernet Port
  3. Telephone Port
  4. USB Port
  5. Mouse Port
  6. Keyboard Port
  7. VGA(Monitor) Port
  8. Power Supply Port
  9. Microphone/HeadPhone/Line-In Port
  10. Floppy Disk Drive
  11. CD/DVD/Blue Ray Drive
  12. Hard Drive Indicator
  13. Power Light Indicator
2. Monitor (Click to expand)
  1. Appearance
  2. Power Supply port/Cable
  3. VGA port/Cable
  4. Headphone/Speaker port
3. Keyboard (Click to expand)
  1. Appearance
  2. Key Functions
  3. Keyboard Shortcuts
4. Mouse (Click to expand)
  1. Appearance
  2. Mouse Functions
5. Printer (Click to expand)
  1. Appearance
  2. Functionality